Monday, November 7, 2011

A week from today...

A week from now, well, hopefully I'll be sleeping... but, a week from today, I will be on a jet plane!
Closing one chapter, leaving people I care very much for, saying many heartfelt good-byes. And I will open a new, full of questions, uncertainties, and unknowns chapter. I will be beginning new friendships with many new faces. Learning new names (gotta get better at that). Learning new languages. Learning to adapt to new circumstances.

That is my next six months:
Not only will I be "teacher," but in countless ways, I will be "student." Good thing I love to learn so much! May God teach me, and may I pay attention! Please pray that this happens. :-)

For now, I have my one week. The preparations are hard in some ways, but in my heart I am ready. I am looking forward, dear friends, to making more memories this week to take with me. :-)

And then....
The journey.
Bring it.

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you in this side trip on your journey to Haiti. I look forward to hearing about your experiences in Cameroon.
