Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 93 - February 14th - Valentine's Day!

The kiddos were all sooooo excited for today. I made valentines for the my students, which was fun, though I waited until the last possible time to do it... oops! And some of them made me valentines, too!

So we did not have art or music today because... we went to the helipad here in town where a missionary pilot, Eric, shared about all that he does, and then gave the kids a tour of the helicopter, telling them about the ins and outs of it in detail! They were able to sit in it, and check out how it works. I was along for this field trip, and it was a blast! Very informative, and super interesting!

Eric serves in several ways with the helicopter. He transports missionaries working in remote areas to their homes, and can carry some cargo. He functions as a medivac for emergencies like snake bites and anything else critical like that. And he can bring larger, light cargo to remote missionaries, like a water tank, carried in a net under the helicopter, hooked to the cargo hook underneath the helicopter.

From the helipad area, we had a GREAT view, even with the haze of the Harmattan (dust from the Sahara which sits over everything heavily in dry season).

Later, a family I met at CMF when here in Bamenda last month arrived here to stay at the guest house for a few days. I got a chance to reconnect with the teens which I worked with at CMF.
Then the Hohns and Conrods went out for Valentines dinner, and the kiddos hung out here. All the kids were playing happily, as they do here, where they have a great deal of freedom within the Baptist Center. The older kids of the family who arrived today wanted to play Rummikub (which I just learned last night, incidentally, but mastered quickly since it is just like Rummy, the card game), so Elsie and I played that while the other kiddos played Murder in the Dark. (Not sure how that game works.) As we played a great game, the breeze which had been blowing all evening picked up, and suddenly, we realized that it was RAINING! Just sprinkling, by Florida torrential rain standards, but it was wonderful, and I went out and stood in it. It was only the third time I've experienced rain since I've been in Cameroon (and one of those was the second night I was in the country, so I don't really count that, since it was the end of rainy season). And the time it rained out in the bush was barely sprinkling for like twenty minutes. So this was the first real rain, then. :-)
Well, tomorrow, the kids will interview a Physical Therapist, and we will talk about Music Educators (Mr. Holland's Opus, anyone?)
One other happy, I have caught up on uploading video footage! So hopefully VERY soon, we will have a Youtube channel up and running! Yay exciting!

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