Then we played in the water, took more pictures, went up to clean up, pack up, have breakfast, and then... it was over. Back to reality. Back on the road. Back to Younde and being connected to the rest of the world.
Back at CTC (Cameroon Training Center – where we usually stay), Asher wasn’t feeling so hot, so I taught him to play Uno, since he wasn’t up to playing outside with Boaz and other kids around (like Joey who we know from SCA). He did pretty well, and Nandry played some, too. After dinner, he went to rest, but I played for a long time with Nandry and Boaz. We all did well and won a few hands, and I had them playing cut throat (my house rules from growing up) before it was all over (stacking draw cards). They even got to stay up a little playing, since Asher was already out.
I also showed them how you can make a tornado in a large bottle as you empty it (by spinning it) and then they were so fascinated that they were practically fighting over whose turn it was to refill the water reservoir bottle! Cracks me up.
I’m glad we had that time to just play, since I leave....TOMORROW!
It feels a little real. And also not. I have to repack a bit post beach tomorrow, but otherwise I am ready! I had a GREAT refreshing time at the beach – and now I am longing for home, and all the people and places that make it that. I’ll try to post before we are airport bound tomorrow afternoon, but if not, my next post may be from the States!
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