Sunday, February 3, 2013

Feet on the ground! Part 1

Hi friends!
Sorry you haven't heard from me on the blog yet, but now you are!
I arrived in Douala, Cameroon on Friday afternoon after good travel from the States, and I stayed overnight in a lovely resthouse.
This time around, the travel experience seemed much calmer, partially because I knew I could handle this return trip, but also because I had travel buddies on every leg of my journey.
First, I was able to have lunch with my friend Mel in JAX. We had flights which departed at the same time, so we hung out behind security together.
Then, in D. C., I met up for a quick goodbye visit with my friend Ryan. And I sort of learned the maze of the airport....
From this flight on, I had a travel buddy who I soon met on the plane: Tony. He is the interim field director here in Bamenda until Cal returns this summer (the field director whose family has been back in Canada this year).
It was helpful having a travel buddy, so that I was able to have someone who could watch my stuff, and of course I reciprocated, as we went through various airports. And having company as we traveled was pleasant. He was a huge help especially in Douala as we navigated luggage claim. That experience was so much easier and more peaceful with a friend.
Once in Douala, I met our driver, Dio, and some veteran missionaries who first arrived in Cameroon in 1961, Jerry and Moni.
After enjoying our rest house for the evening (and my AC in my room, an unexpected surprise!) we all piled in our vehicle and made the 6 hour trek home to Bamenda. I heard many great stories along the way, and had a good visit with my traveling buddies.
And then... I was home! I was welcomed by Elsie, and started meeting new people and greeting old acquaintances that afternoon. A few even came over specifically to greet me! It reminded me that it was time to turn down the task mode in myself, and be reminded I'm in a relational, slower culture now.

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