Monday, October 31, 2011

Two Weeks

I can't believe it is true. Tomorrow I will have to say I am moving to Africa.... THIS MONTH!

But this is true, and happening, and I will be on a plane in two weeks and 9 hours. Crazy! :-)

I am excited, nervous, you name it. My emotions run the gambit. That is why I can't really rely on my feelings much these days. Not the worst development, since I should be relying on God, right? Right. :-)

The "Lasts" are starting to happen.
Worked my "last" day at Kumon on Saturday.
Had my "last" tutoring sessions with my private students.
Had several "last" lunches with dear people. (And more of those to come...)
"Last" Sunday in the Resource Center.
And more...

But I am looking forward to the "firsts," too.
"First" time in Belgium (as I connect flights)
"First" time in Africa!
"First" time in a rainforest.
"First" holidays in Cameroon!
"First" time teaching the kids there...really looking forward to all that entails.

Tonight, I was restless, and I went for a walk over to the beach. The wind matched my inner tumult. But God was in the wind, in the waves, in me.
As I walked briskly in the edge of the surf, contemplating all that I do when by the ocean, reminding God that I am still "all in" for this adventure, all of a sudden, I stopped dead and turned to face the ocean's horizon.
I realized I was looking at my new home. I was looking where, if I could see forever, I would see Africa. And I got excited. I was reminded that, like the ocean eventually touches my dear Haiti, it also touches Cameroon, my new home. And then it didn't seem so very far away, just for a moment.
God is good.
Thanks for praying, all! Keep it up- lots going on, and lots of people who help me on this journey who are facing a lot. So pray for my network of people, too, please!