Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day 139 - March 31st

Ah, Saturday.
A pretty quiet day - savored my coffee over an awesome egg and stuff burrito, helped Nandry figure out how to make glasses out of legos, worked on finishing up Asher's box, did laundry, got school stuff ready for Monday, caught up on some reading from this week, and other assorted stuff.
Thanks to my waiting on starting the laundry, and the overcast day it was (no rain, but it sure looked like it would), I have a drying rack in my room, and more things in a basket to go back out tomorrow. I think maybe 5 things were dry. Oh, well, hoping for more sun tomorrow!
We sent off the Abbotts and Heidi to Njibot today (where the Abbotts will be transitioning to working), so it has been pretty quiet when the kids were off playing.
Good day!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 138 - March 30th

Today was Asher and Heidi's birthday party! Earlier in the afternoon, Asher and all of the kids played outside games with water balloons. One of the Baka boys, Hakem, kept getting totally soaked! It was hysterical to watch it all, though I had to make a run for it more than once to avoid being soaked myself!
Later we had the cake and ice cream part of the party with our whole team. Laurel and Nathan made cakes that looked like lego pieces - it looked AWESOME! And we played several lego themed games.
Great night!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 137 - March 29th

Day 2 of rain, but just some super light sprinkles….
Also day 2 of a spastic lizard falling on me while I am getting ready in the morning. I didn’t scream loudly like yesterday at least. Yesterday, it fell on my foot when I grabbed my deodorant, and wiggled around wildly like a snake (so I screamed loudly and tried to get away as quickly as he did until I realized it was a lizard). Today one hit my shoulder as I was washing my face. Maybe I didn’t scream because I had cleanser on my face…. I am happy the lizards live in my room, and eat any wayward bugs unfortunate enough to get near the lizards. BUT I do NOT like their poop (that gets on stuff, yuck) and I REALLY want this falling on me pattern to end. Like today. We’ll see.
Also, today was Asher’s birthday! The poor kid was up sick half the night, but felt better as the day progressed and was able to play and have a good day!
Tomorrow we are having a party with water balloons and a VERY cool cake. But I’ll write more about THAT part tomorrow. :-)
Otherwise, it was a good school day. Nandry has conquered her World Religions Report – It IS FINISHED! I think I am just as relieved as she is. She worked so hard on it – I am very proud of her.
And Boaz is hard at work on his State Report on Tennessee. We put in a solid hour on it today. We still have some ground to cover on it, but we are making progress.
I also got some good work done on Asher’s present, which he will get (hopefully) tomorrow. I have some ground to cover, but I’m making progress! Pics to come!
That about covers today! Stay tuned!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 136 - March 28th

So I haven't mentioned rain for a few weeks...... because it has been dry as a bone! (Rainy season SHOULD have started about 2 weeks ago.)
Today, it POURED! The kids even put on swimsuits and went to play in it! And several of them came back to the houses COVERED in mud, some head to toe! Hysterical. I will have to later post pics of it.
Also, we had Delta the chameleon up at school part of today, and he decided to play hide and seek a few times, once with a sizable spider (I scared the kids when I screamed bloody murder [as they called it]) and once I had to find and retrieve him from behind a bunch of stuff. Glad he likes to climb sticks!
Our newest pet, the squirrel Nandry and I call Squirrley-poo-poo (thought that the boys would like that since it mentions poo, but not so much) was super cute today, and we got him to eat some cornbread and lentils (he's been having only milk and water).

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 135 - March 27th

Today, we had art! We painted (and I, in my usual form, have paint all over my clothes). We are doing a two part project using painted texture. Today, we painted patches of color on paper board, adding texture to the wet paint with combs, toothpicks, toothbrushes, and other tools fashioned out of the paper board. They look cool so far!
Next week, we will cut the patches into shapes and layer them together to make pictures. Exciting stuff - I'll post pics of the steps on fb!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 134 - March 26th

WHEW! We had a full and productive school day! As we start to work toward wrapping things up, I am trying to keep our time in the forefront of our activities, so that things like history get tied up nicely. We started Russia today, talking about the Trans-Siberian Railroad.
So I think that Delta (the chameleon) likes me (or at least my hair). Boaz brought him to me up at school around 5:30, and he stayed on me willingly until about 8:30. I kinda like 'em. I mean, I did keep lizards as pets sporadically as a kid, so this is not a stretch. :-)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day 133 - March 25th

Today I went to Likano (Baka church) at Mayos. We listened to the story of the sower and the seed. Very relevant, as planting season is here now.
Then we came home and had a yummy breakfast with bacon! YUM! (hard to come by here sometimes)
On our way home, the Conrod menagerie grew some more. We stopped to get some fresh beignets, and the people insisted Nathan take a baby squirrel for the kiddos. So now we have a squirrel so small we are feeding it with an eyedropper!
It is super cute - he chatters if left alone, but will snuggle in clothes anywhere it is warm. He, and the chameleon are growing on me. At one point after dinner, when Nandry went to get bunny food, I already had the chameleon on my head (he likes it there, for some reason) and I had the squirrel under the edge of my shirt in my lap.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day 132 - March 24th

I love Saturdays.
Today was pretty chill - did the usual straightening up and laundry, read, worked on some little projects...that's really about it!
I went for a good run later in the afternoon - sooooo hot! These are the days I want to not have hot water (we can heat water on the stove - not today)!
I feel so peaceful. :-)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Day 131 - March 23rd

All the kiddos were motivated to get done today (Friday is our short day with just Language Arts, Math, and Spelling) - and they were all gone before noon!
This was good for them, so they could go play, and good for me, as it was so early that I was able to plan and organize for next week all this afternoon. I have a few other extra tasks to attend to, but overall, I will be able to stay out of the school for the whole weekend - so that is a happy!
I don't mind working on the weekends some to be ready, but it is so nice to look towards the weekend and not have to think about school for a couple of days.
Soooo that was pretty much my day, other than working on presents, and the kids putting Delta, our pet chameleon, back on my head. Good thing reptiles of most types don't freak me out, huh?
I did NOT go run, which I probably should have, but Boaz keeps telling me he wants to go running with me tomorrow. So we'll have to do it. :-)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day 130 - March 22nd

What a fun Thursday! Today we celebrated Annabella's (Jenn's Baka baby) 1st birthday! We blew bubbles outside with our Baka neighbor kids, and all of us had a BLAST with that, whether blowing the bubbles or popping them!

Then we went inside and played with balloons, and then sang to Annabella and ate an amazing teddy bear cake and ice cream!
Annabella wasn't too interested in eating or playing with her cupcake and ice cream, but she enjoyed getting it on Heidi and a little on Jenn.
Then she opened her presents! She is getting good at that tearing wrapping paper thing! All in all, she had a great party, and seemed to enjoy it and her company - she would laugh when the kids were playing all around her.
Just before dinner tonight, the new pet chameleon was out of its cage, on a shelf in the living room, above the couch. The couch where I was sitting. The next thing I knew, I let out a yelp, because something bigger than some bug dropped on my arm.
Then I realized it was the chameleon, who promptly climbed up my arm, ear, and into my hair above my ponytail. Then he got really still, and fell asleep for the next two hours or so. I just went about my business, eating dinner and hanging out, since he seemed so comfortable. Finally, though, I needed to go outside, and I didn't want him to wake up and jump off into the night, so I get the kids to get him off of me. Toooooooooo funny. Only in Africa, right? Here's a pic of our reptile friend.

Finally, I took a picture of an interesting banana. It is actually 2 bananas, but sharing one skin! We haven't opened it yet, but we can see the two points at the end where it came off the regime of bananas. I guess they didn't have room to spread out.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day 129 - March 21st

We are still working hard at school and on presents for all the upcoming birthdays!
And we have finished our Mongolia unit - onward to Russia!
Tomorrow will be baby Annabella's first birthday party, and we are all so excited for her (probably more excited than she is, since she doesn't know any better, LOL).

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 128 - March 20th

We had a pretty good school day today, and after school we had art! The kids each made a sea scene with the background made of tissue paper, and they cut out some magazine type of marine or seaside life for the foreground. They all really were creative with it - I LOVE how they turned out, with all the variations in color.
Later, I wanted to go run, and sometimes the boys will ride bikes along, so I invited them to come. Boaz and Nandry decided to run with me! We probably went about 3 km (30 mins), and near the end we sprinted! I was beat after that, but it was fun! Boaz and I were neck and neck!
It felt so good to run!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 127 - March 19th

Monday fun-day!
School was pretty good, especially for a Monday! We were able to get to all our work in a good amount of time, and some even did a little above and beyond!
And we had another present-making session in my room later in the afternoon. Making progress - pics to come once mine is done!
Also, lately we have been studying Gengis Kahn, and Boaz is REALLY into it. Laurel overheard just how into it he was today:
Laurel: I was so impressed with Boaz as I was listening in on his world domination chat with Asher, standing in front of the wall map, stating detailed facts about Genghis Khan and the mongol conquests...until he added "and then he was defeated by the Americans!"
Love that kid!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Day 126 - March 18th

Today I was more academically and creatively productive! We are ready for school tomorrow, and I am working hard on round two of presents. We have three birthdays by the end of the month! But I feel better now that I spent some good time on that today.
And we finished going through Colossians as a team in our church services.
Oh! AND at dinner I got to try breadfruit (similar to breadfruit in Haiti, or like a potato only sweeter), and a Cameroonian mango! Wooooo soooooo gooooooood! :-) Counting the days until our mangoes are ripe on the tree is laden with them already. Mmmm mmmmm.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day 125 - March 17th

Happy St. Patty's Day - not that we really talked about it here. :-)
It was a HOT, beautiful Saturday - and I worked on boring things like laundry and cleaning.
In the afternoon, Nandry, Boaz, and I worked on presents for upcoming birthdays. Those kids are so crazy and fun. Asher was here for a while, too, but my room is a crazy-free zone, so when he started the crazy, I got him to go play outside, which is what his little body needed anyway.
Nathan got back from Younde this evening, hauling the motorcycle he and Barry bought to drive around out here. Fun, fun! (And cheaper than their giant trucks.)
Good day!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 124 - March 16th

FRIDAY! Today went well! We got all our school finished, even history, by lunch! Later I read about Gengis Khan (Boaz LOVES this book we are reading as part of our Mongolia unit), and we had music, learning about JS Bach. We read a story about his childhood, listened to some of his music, and then played Musical Composers bingo! Asher won, and he was super excited to claim his candy prize. :-)
I had a slow afternoon, and caught up on some reading. It was pleasant, even though it was a hot afternoon.
Looking forward to it being Saturday!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 123 - March 15

Today was pretty good - I think we are all anxious for it to be FRIDAY!
I had to stay on my toes, because I have to closely supervise Asher always, and then, both Nandry and Boaz are working on reports, so they need more one on one time, too. And we had art, where we made collages with tissue paper. I'll have to post pics of their finished projects tomorrow, they were great!
I was being lazy about exercising this afternoon, but Jenn came by and invited me to walk with her and Heidi, so I ran to change and join them. We explored a trail off the road (where we were walking), and then I ran a few intervals in the orchard before dinner. Whew - and I felt so much better after exercising!
Good times!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day 122 - March 14th

Movie till 10pm + early morning = fun school with the kiddos! right.......and I was super cheerful myself, sure, I wish.
We all made it through, and had a fun afternoon reading about Gengis Khan and his Mongol horde, working on birthday presents, and, later in the evening, playing the card game Mad Libs! It was fun, hysterical, and got the kids to practice making sentences and identifying parts of speech! Can all the teachers say with me, "Win, win, WIN!"
:-) Love it.
We will be using this to help with making our Language Arts curriculum more enjoyable for the kiddos. And they actually WANT to. Yes, please!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 121 - March 13th

Today we took our friends on a forest hike to the Baptism site - it was a great day for a hike!
After dinner, we watched the movie Sahara. It was so funny, and a GREAT movie. And set not far from here in Africa - Mali!
Good day visiting with friends.
Tomorrow - back to school!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 120 - March 12th

Today, we had visitors arrive out here in the bush! Some friends we know from SCA are here, with their son, and with a pastor and his wife who are associates of theirs. The boys had a blast playing with their friend, and the rest of us were very entertained by their antics.
Thankfully, we were able to mostly finish school by their arrival, so that the kids were able to play with their friend.
I had a great time catching up with the mom, and she, Laurel, and I went on a 5k walk down our road! They set a good pace, so I got a workout!
After dinner, we roasted marshmallows. Our Baka neighbors did, too, and the Baka kids (normally pretty quiet in the evening) were running around, laughing, playing, and then dancing to one of the radios some of the adults have. It was hysterical! Sugar has its effects on kids, no matter where they call home! LOL

Day 119 - March 11th

We had really good team church time yesterday, reading and talking about Colossians (the first 2 chapters). It was really good for me, especially, because I got some sad news right before. Please be praying for my family, and for our friend's family, because we lost a family friend yesterday morning.
Prayers for me are also appreciated, as this is my mom's best friend, and I really want to be able to be with her in this time.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 118 - March 10th

Busy and productive Saturday! I slept in a little bit, had an awesome ham, egg, and cheese biscuit (ham and cheese are not always on hand so it was a nice treat), and got to washin'! I had to handwash some of my Cameroonian made clothes, and boy was today HOT! I think I got sunburned just trying to hang my wash on the line, even with sunscreen! (Did you ever think about needing sunscreen to do your laundry? LOL)
Then I tackled my room, trying to finish cleaning and organizing it from when I was gone for so long!
One of my new books was CHEWED while we were gone, I noticed. Might be mice. Nice. We need another cat....
And I had some nice journaling time this morning, thinking through a lot. Good stuff. Good day.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Day 117 - March 9th

Fun Friday! School went well, we finished our core stuff early, and the kids got to go get some playtime after science and history reading.
I then read a book and took a nap on accident. No regrets, though. :-)
We had a lovely taco dinner with our teammates Jenn, Heidi, and Annabella.
Then we watched Valiant, a CG movie about messenger pigeons in WWII. It was really good! And it was fun to watch Annabella, who will be one in just over a week, watch the movie - she really got into it!
Good day, good night.
From the other day-
A picture to share. Have I mentioned I live with monkeys who can tree shimmy to retrieve fruit? Check this out: Boaz got us the ripe papaya. And it was delish.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day 116 - March 8th

Today was a good day here in the bush!
School went well and at a good pace...I think we are all finally getting into the swing of things.
In history, we are studying Mongolia. So today we made our best go at building a yurt (also called a ger), but out of sheets, not felt. If you want to know what a yurt looks like, go here.
Here is a photo of ours...

After a while, we got Jenn, Heidi, Annabella, and Brianna to walk with us (while the boys rode their bikes). We had a great time being outside and getting some exercise while hanging out.

Oh, and today, in a package, the boys got Whoopie Cushions. And it has been a giggle-filled day ever since. :-)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 115 - March 7th

The Cameroon side of things today was good...
Nathan brought a snake up to the school to show the kids and I.

Praying for home and for the World Team home office.
Both places experienced losses on Tuesday, and I knew people who are gone in both places, and many affected by their loss.
I'm praying, and I'd appreciate prayers for my home church and young adult community in one case, and for my Mission Organization in the other, as well as for all the families and friends and colleagues affected in both cases.
I'd appreciate your prayers for me and my team, too.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 114 - March 6th

Good day, not too much rain, school was okay, and I got to run some. I'm motivated to get back to my exercising here in the bush! And excited to have some friends here join me (Jenn now that she has a stroller, perhaps?) :-)
And the orchard is so pretty and green; everything is coming to life anew with the rain. So beautiful!

It always feels so good to run... I'm ready to stretch now.....

Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 113 - March 5th

It's MONDAY! In all its glory.....

More critters today - Mama Lindo and her son, Samba, showed up with some tiny turtles. They reminded me of my niece Sage's turtle when she first got it, and now it is bigger than my hand! Boaz wanted them as pets... :-)

We had more rain today - this will probably become a theme, folks :-)

Still getting settled back into the routine, but we are off to a good start. Glad to be home, but still missing friends. And so it goes. :-)

Day 112 – March 4th

Today was my last lazy day for a while… I read for most of the morning, good, good books.
I worked on some planning for tomorrow, though everything is pretty much set for the rest of the year. I’m happy I did all that extra work now!
I saw a good sized minotaur lizard up close and personal today, though it was dead – destined to be dinner. Apparently they taste like fish.

Late in the afternoon, it got more and more windy, and then….. it rained and rained and stopped, then rained some more! Rainy season (or the change of seasons, at the very least) is here.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day 111 - March 3rd

Travel day - I'm home!
We had a good and uneventful drive, and we managed to all fit (with our stuff) in the Abbotts' big truck (affectionately called The Green Monster, Kermit, etc, or, as I like to call it, The Incredible Hulk, lol). I am sooooooooo happy to be home, especially since, other than when we were here a few days in between my traveling, I have been gone for nearly a month! I have much to do to get my room to rights - good times!

Day 110 - March 2nd

Yesterday was a more chill day. I got to meet some other missionaries (my neighbor where we were staying, Yolanda, and her friend who was from Virginia. The friend said, after I said "y'all" in passing, "You said y'all and that makes me happy!"
Ah, the little things. Home, in a word. LOL, and I knew just how she felt.
I got to check out the Educational Resource Center (ERC) with the Abbotts after a late breakfast, and I found several books I was interested in, as well as some...educational resources, of course.
I even found a book of the Star Spangled Banner which I used to teach on it for my friend Melissa (a music teacher back home who I subbed for). So we will be learning the Star Spangled Banner soon!
Later that afternoon, Jenn and Heidi came from their beach vacation, and it was sooooo good to see them! I ate dinner with them, too, as the Abbotts went to go get Desma's parents from the airport.
We all visited once they got back - her parents are such nice, sweet people. Just like Desma - so that makes perfect sense. :-)
Good times in Younde!

Day 109 - March 1st

Thursday was Younde shopping day! It was intense! :-)
I accompanied the Abbotts on their stock up shopping day, and we went to lots of stores, and I found quite a few things I have been wanting, and a few other things that were a nice treat. Later in the day we went to a huge market for vegetables and fruit, and it was fascinating to watch the process!
First, Barry talked to a lady near the entrance to the market who had papayas. We got those, and she asked what else we needed, and lead us to someone associated with her. They found everything else we needed, even yelling for another shopping bag when ours filled up! And what they didn't have, the lady adjacent to them had. And just about 10 minutes later, we had a wheelbarrow full of food, and someone to push it back to the car!
I also got to see the Muslim side of town, as there was an errand to run over that way. Their artistry was exquisite in their prayer mats, shawls, and hats. It was interesting to see how differently they carry themselves than anywhere else I've been in Younde. But the Muslim culture there seems different than other Islamic places I have been. Interesting.
At our last stop, a grocery store called Mahima, there was so much variety! I was amazed at what can be available for the right price! I had a strawberry ice cream cone, too, and it didn't make me sick (I am supposedly lactose intolerant, or was until perhaps recently.....).
Good times with the Abbotts! :-)

Day 108 - February 29th

Wednesday was a leisurely day. I actually couldn't sleep in (thanks crazy travel schedule) but I read a whole book for fun, and had a restful day.
Later in the day, we hung out with the Abbotts, and ate dinner with them.
And Barry and I took Marcus to the airport. What a good visit!
Barry and I had a good talk about future possibilities and all that is to come for me on the way back. It was a good perspective check.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 107 - February 28th

Sorry for the delay folks - to catch up....
On Tuesday Feb 28th, we headed for the Entebbe airport at 2 am and had no trouble getting to the gate in plenty of time.
We were delayed in Nairobi for a strange reason - they said we had to be able to land in the Congo if there were problems, and they didn't have room for that until almost 2 hours later. Welcome to the African "wait!" But our flight went smoothly, and I slept, which was great.
Upon our arrival back in Younde, we were picked up by Gord, the CMF hostel dad, and I had to brave my terrible French to go to a boulangerie. We survived and got food. :-)
Later we got with an English speaking taxi driver, Thomas, and saw some of Younde, including the American embassy. The sight of our flag, billowing in the breeze, has never made me so homesick or to feel so patriotic. It is so strange to think that I would be on American soil if I just walked in!