Monday, November 21, 2011

From the Teacher’s Desk – in Cameroon!

The First Day of School – For Me!
Today was my first day teaching school, from 8:30 to 12! It went pretty smoothly, and the kids handled the transition pretty well. I am not taking on all of the subjects quite yet, but I will take over more soon. For now, I covered everything except for History and Science. My next subject to integrate will probably be Science. Here are some pictures of my students.
We aren’t starting Art and Music just yet, though I got a chance to practice piano at a team mate’s house yesterday…boy am I rusty! But it was fun to apply myself to that for some time.

I’m seeing lots of crazy critters, other than our normal pets, like Tiger the cat, who likes to hang out in the school with us.
Here is a giant beetle we got pictures of, the pet snakes the kids have, and a duiker, which can jump so high they call it a hare, and it is basically a small antelope.
I got to visit a nearby (walking distance) village late this afternoon, with our teammates Jenn and Heidi. Jenn is a nurse, and Heidi does agriforestry. We just sat for a bit, Jenn and Heidi talked with the family we visited, and hung out. The Baka do a lot of just hanging out.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Update! (from the bush)

God is good! And if you've been following facebook, you already know that I made it! I finally got all the way out to "the bush" last night just after dark. I've been very welcomed, and it has been the smoothest of transitions. Cameroon was very Haiti-like initially, so that also made it seem familiar. On the way out to Dimako, we went to a market... it was cool. I never had the opportunity to visit the markets and purchase things in Haiti, so it was something new! It was an uneven area, so unfortunately I couldn't look around as much as I wanted because I was watching my footing. But it was still neat. I could feel people's eyes on was a little unnerving, but, as I experienced in Haiti, it was "Welcome to the fishbowl!" They even have the same word for us, calling out, "blan!"

...I'm journaling and videoing, so more to come!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Waiting for the plane...

Captured this video as I began on my still-much-to-go journey.
BTW, I will have a mailing address, though things take up to 6-8 weeks to arrive.
Let me know if you want it. :-)

And away we go!

Well folks, here I sit, waiting on the plane... should be lifting off in about 30 mins. Lots of emotions, through the gentle filter of tiredness. As I keep experiencing in this season, again, my heart is full. God is good. I know where my strength comes from, and so while I am unsure, I know where my strength comes from.
Please pray for:
- safe travels over the next 2 and 1/2 days (I should arrive in the village mid-dayish on Wednesday)
- complete yieldedness in this season
- peace, guidance, and direction
- a teachable heart

Love you all,
Thank you so much for all of your support along the journey.

Monday, November 7, 2011

A week from today...

A week from now, well, hopefully I'll be sleeping... but, a week from today, I will be on a jet plane!
Closing one chapter, leaving people I care very much for, saying many heartfelt good-byes. And I will open a new, full of questions, uncertainties, and unknowns chapter. I will be beginning new friendships with many new faces. Learning new names (gotta get better at that). Learning new languages. Learning to adapt to new circumstances.

That is my next six months:
Not only will I be "teacher," but in countless ways, I will be "student." Good thing I love to learn so much! May God teach me, and may I pay attention! Please pray that this happens. :-)

For now, I have my one week. The preparations are hard in some ways, but in my heart I am ready. I am looking forward, dear friends, to making more memories this week to take with me. :-)

And then....
The journey.
Bring it.